Join us sundays at 10:30 AM


Sundays are the time where we all gather together to be renewed in the good news of the love and grace of the Father, poured out through the blood of Christ on the cross, and into our hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit. We need to be renewed in this truth all the time. Sundays are just when we all come together to celebrate this truth that we each need to hear every day.

And on Sundays we get to respond to God together in worship. Here at Redeemer, we believe that all parts of our service are an act of worship, not just the parts that include singing. We worship God through song. We also worship him through giving, through prayer, through preaching of the word, through communion, and through welcoming all who gather in the peace and love of Christ.

Who Comes to Redeemer on Sundays?

There is no one type of person that comes to Redeemer. Here all are welcome, from those who have believed in Christ for decades, to those who are just investigating who Jesus is. We are a family of people of different life stages, backgrounds, races, personalities, ages, etc. We hold to the fact that here what unites us is Christ. We long to look more and more like his kingdom that includes people of every tribe, tongue, and nation.