God is so faithful! It’s a beautiful thing to get to rejoice alongside Warner, our new brother in Christ.
Bethany shares the gospel through her testimony. She tells of how big God’s love is and that He is willing to forgive, no matter our sin.
Josh shares his story, and he tells how God was faithful to work in and through his circumstances.
Jaycee shares about what the Lord has been teaching her recently and how He’s worked in her life.
Rachael shares how the Lord has worked faithfully in her life to bring her to the position she is in now. Thank you for sharing your story, Rachael!
Lindsey shares a bit of her story and an encouraging word about God’s grace. No matter what you’ve done or where you are in life, God remains the same. His grace abounds, and He waits with open arms for you to receive His free gift of Salvation. (Side note: Watch to the end for a fun surprise!)
Cooper is part of the Redeemer Youth group and just recently got back from the Redeemer Youth Fall Retreat.
Bronson shares a little bit of his testimony and how the community at Redeemer has impacted his life.
Trusting God involves redirecting our focus from a circumstance to Him who is over that circumstance.
Jachin reflects back on his time at Redeemer and shares how this community impacted his life.
Biblical community is an overflow of Christ’s steadfast love working through His people. Hear about how this kind of community has impacted Grace’s life!
Community is a central part of the Christian life. Josh and Elise talk about how diversity and honesty are vital parts of God-centered communities.
Josh and Elise were part of Redeemer a few years ago, but then they moved to Boston, MA. However, now they are back and sharing their story!
Josh will be stepping into a role on Redeemer’s staff team. He will be helping with some administrative and financial tasks at the church.
God manifests and reveals Himself in many ways. He shows aspects of His character to different people in different situations. For Paige, God has shown Himself to be faithful time and time again in all areas of her life. Watch the rest of this video to hear how God has worked in Paige’s life and how that’s motivating her to share her story.
Patrick and Sarah reflect on their time at Redeemer and share how the Lord has provided growth in multiple areas of their lives. Watch the video to hear their story and learn how the Lord is currently moving in their lives!
Sometimes sharing the Gospel can be discouraging. It can seem like the person being shared with will never come to know Christ. However, God’s grace abounds, and He is continually at work–even when we don’t see immediate results.
Quentin shares his story about how he was lost and came to know Christ through a few faithful friends. Watch the video to hear the rest of his testimony!
Mallory Stewart
Mallory has been a member at Redeemer for 8 years, and she is part of the Carriage Lane Regroup.
Mallory loves the people of Redeemer, so she serves in a variety of ways. She is on the Tech Team, Hospitality Team, and the Redeemer Stories Team!
Redeemer is so grateful for Mallory!
Sam Stroud
Sam Stroud has been a member at Redeemer for four years. He currently serves as a Regroup leader (Valley Meadow) and on the Sunday morning set up team.
Sam said he serves because he wants to “love the saints,” and serving is one avenue to do that.
Thank you, Sam, for serving and loving the people of Redeemer so well!Accordion Content
Clara Stroud
Clara Stroud is a member at Redeemer and part of the Della Street Regroup.
She serves in Kingdom Kids, 45 Fellowship, and as a door greeter.
Clara said she serves because “It is not only a heavenly investment to teach the Bible, but it is such a joy to watch as it is grasped and to see it transform lives and hearts and minds. What a privilege to get to be a part of that!”
Thank you, Clara, for how you serve at Redeemer!
Matt Regier
Matt is a member at Redeemer and helps host the Covenant Regroup.
Matt serves in a variety of areas including Redeemer Youth, welcome team, and kids.
When asked why he serves, Matt said, “I serve because it is a form of worship to God and allows me to make new friends and grow as a believer. “
Thank you, Matt for how you serve at Redeemer!
Amy Branch
Amy has been a member at Redeemer for almost six years now. She is the wife of Pastor Stephen Branch, and together they lead the Refuge Regroup. She serves in other various ways, including singing in the praise band and teaching in children’s ministry. Also, she serves on the hospitality, welcome, and offering teams.
When asked why she serves, Amy said, “I serve at Redeemer because we are called to serve, and God has placed a calling on my heart to serve in my local community of believers. I sing in the praise band because the longing in my heart gives me a desire I cannot even describe. I serve alongside Stephen in leading our regroup and teaching in children’s classes because God has equipped me with the communication skills and compassion to share what I have learned. I love to make people feel welcome and special, and I can do that through serving at Redeemer.”
Her favorite verse changes, but currently, James 1:19-25 is her favorite! It reminds her, challenges her, and encourages her to lean into God and be an active doer of His work.
Most people who know Amy would say she is very personable and fun! However, when asked about one thing most people would be surprised to know about her, Amy said that she is secretly an introvert.
Redeemer is so thankful to have Amy as part of its ministry.
Ashley Jones
Ashley has been a member at Redeemer since early 2013. She and her husband Kevin originally got connected with the church because Pastor Andy was their college pastor.
Currently, Ashley and Kevin lead the More Regroup, and Ashley serves in a number of other ways at the church. She is the volunteer coordinator, leads a women’s Bible study, and serves in Redeemer Kids.
When asked why she serves, Ashley said, “God has called me to serve others and use the gifts He has given me for His glory. Serving also helps me to connect with others at Redeemer and build community. Leading the women’s Bible study helps hold me accountable to studying God’s word. “
Ashley said her favorite verse is Hebrews 10:24-25 because it is a beautiful picture of the body of Christ and what their regroup strives for.
“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”
David Stoldt
David has been a member at Redeemer for four years and attends the Oak Creek Regroup. He and his wife Rachael first came to the church per the recommendation of a friend. He said this was “at a time when we felt we were being called to a church that was more family oriented.”
David runs the sound for Redeemer on Sunday mornings. He said he serves because there was a need and God has given him the ability.
His favorite verse is John 1:1-5 because it shows God’s power, eternal nature, that He is the creator, that God and Jesus are one, and that Jesus was for man–all in a few short verses.
When asked what is one thing people would be surprised to know about him, David said, “I started college as a theater major.”
Redeemer is so grateful for David and his family!
Joe Neal
Joe has been a member at Redeemer for five years, and he attends East and West Regroup. He initially joined Redeemer through the original college Regroup at Pastor Andy’s.
Joe said, “Over time, God rebuilt my confidence in the corporate body and in the local church by allowing me to experience the positive impact that being a part of a gospel centered community can bring. I kept coming, started serving and eventually put down roots.”
Currently, Joe serves on the tech team, and he said he serves because he loves God and loves His people.
“Service is worship. Even if I don’t sing one note, I know that I’m still an active participant in the worship experience on Sundays.”
Right now, Joe’s favorite verse is Exodus 3:7-8 because it shows that “God hears and sees the things that we face, the issues we deal with, and he keeps his promise to bring us out.”
When asked to share something surprising about himself, Joe answered, “I never miss an opportunity to express my dislike of Cane’s Chicken.”
Redeemer is so grateful for Joe!
Kelsey Branscum
Kelsey has been a member at Redeemer since 2013. She is part of the Vine Regroup, and she currently serves in the band, with kids, and set-up.
When asked why she chose to come to Redeemer, Kelsey said, “My sister Bethany had been a member of Redeemer for a while. When I moved to Norman, I began attending Redeemer with her, and I felt welcomed in. I loved that so many people were involved in serving the church in some way. I liked the focus on community and became involved in a Regroup. I like the way the people of Redeemer do life together and share the Gospel imperfectly but faithfully.”
Additionally, Kelsey said she serves at Redeemer because “Jesus calls us to love others, and serving at Redeemer is one way I can do that. He has given me certain abilities and gifts I can use to glorify Him. Jesus set the example for how we should serve others, and I want to follow that example and be more like Him. “
One of her favorite verses is Isaiah 43:2 because it reminds her that she never has to walk through anything alone; even through the toughest of times, Jesus is with us.
When asked what people would be surprised to know about her, Kelsey answered, “My answer to the question ‘if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go’ is… Mount Rushmore. Yeah seriously. It’s totally random, but my mind is blown at how they carved those giant faces into the mountain.”
Redeemer is so grateful for Kelsey!
Nathan Cain
Nathan has been a member at Redeemer for almost two years now.
He currently serves by running sound on Sundays, working with Redeemer Kids, and helping with some youth events.
Nathan said he serves because he can.
“I have been granted an ability with sound that I like to share and work on. I love helping kids – especially those old enough to talk with. Primarily I care about the people who attend Redeemer and want to do whatever small part I can to make their and their kids’ experience better so that they can more easily focus on what God may show them through the teaching of His word.”
When asked why he chose Redeemer, Nathan said, “I jumped around when I first got in Norman and ended up going somewhere I just didn’t have a personal connection to. When my second year started, a lot of things were falling apart in my life, so I decided I needed to look for something better where I could discuss these things. Redeemer not only teaches the Word, but also has built a community that shows everyone that they are welcome and have a place here. The combination of being able to learn, serve, and make friends within our church body has made Redeemer a place I could easily recommend to anyone.”
Philippians 1:9-11 is his favorite verse because he feels like these three verses “encapsulate clearly the meaning and spirit of the Gospel and sanctification: Growing in Love, Gaining Discernment, becoming more like Christ, Being filled with the fruit, and all this to God’s eternal glory. “
Redeemer is so grateful for Nathan!
Sheila Koons
Sheila has been a member at Redeemer for over ten years. She attends the More Regroup and helps at the church in a variety of ways, including with set-up/tear-down. Sheila also serves as an usher and greeter.
She said she does all of these things because as believers we are called to serve.
Her favorite verse is Daniel 3:16-18 because Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar that he doesn’t answer to him–only to God.
Sheila said her hobbies are “whatever Eligin [her husband] drags [her] into.”
Redeemer is thankful for Sheila and how she serves!
Madeleine said, “I wanted to be apart of a Bible-believing, Jesus-centered, community-oriented church in Norman, and I when I started visiting my freshman year of college, I quickly realized that’s what Redeemer is.” Fun fact: Madeleine has her own blog and writes movie reviews! (Check it out at