We will be temporarily meeting on the second floor of 1203 Elm Ave, Norman, OK 73072 in Haystack Hall at 10am Sunday Mornings

Join us sundays at 10:00 AM


Check out a Regroup


We aspire to a level of fellowship that will never be fully realized in this life. We understand that people are messy, life is messy, and that fellowship here on earth is hard. But we still move forward in pursuit of the example that Christ left us in how he loved his church and the instructions he gave for us to follow. This is why regroups exist, that we might help one another as we all struggle forward in this journey of knowing and believing the gospel of Christ and all of its beautiful implications. By this we hope to spur one another on in our affections for him and the labor of love and good works that inevitably flow out of a life saturated with the love of God.

Learn more about Regroups by clicking here. 

Find a Regroup by clicking here.

Be Baptized


“Baptism” comes from the Greek work baptízō, which means “to submerge, dip under, immerse.” So put simply, baptism is immersing an individual in water and raising them up again from it.

Baptism is a visible symbol of the following:

  1. Baptism depicts the death and resurrection of Christ.
  2. Baptism declares cleansing from sin.
  3. Baptism is a picture of a person’s union with Christ in his death and resurrection. 
  4. Baptism signifies a person’s new life lived to the glory of God.

Scripture Reference:  Romans 6:3-41 Corinthians 12:12Colossians 2:12Acts 22:161 Peter 3:21Hebrews 10:22 

 If you would like to be baptized, please contact one of the Pastors or email the church.  We will follow up with you and let you know about our next baptism service. 

Become a Member


Becoming a member of Redeemer is simply committing to be a part of the Redeemer church family. It’s saying that these will be my people and that the Lord is my God. We sign a covenant that outlines what that means.

It doesn’t mean that we are always going to agree, because we’re not.

It doesn’t mean that we’re going to fill our schedules with only these people. We’d never have time then for the people around us who don’t know Jesus.

It doesn’t mean that we’re going to stay here forever. People move. Life happens.

It does mean that when life happens, that when disagreements happen, that when things go good, bad, and sideways, that this is our family. We will work stuff out in love and together live for Christ and the hope of seeing all of life redeemed by his life, death, and resurrection.

If you’d like to learn more about becoming a member, you can contact the pastors or email the church.

Serve and Give


We believe Sunday gatherings are a part of how we engage in disciple-making throughout the week. Serving on Sunday mornings is another way to connect with the Redeemer family and enjoy the opportunity of serving and loving one another, all for Jesus.


Giving at Redeemer is simple and secure. you can bring cash or check to any of our gatherings, or you can give by credit card via our secure online portal.

For all other gifts or donations, please contact us at info@redeemerchurch.cc and we’ll get back to you promptly.